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Friday, August 22, 2008

Penguin-Games & Marathons ;-)

Hey guys!!
Well it's me Pen Flippy.. Basicly Maryann has left for a quick holiday to "Puerta Galera" (sounds fancy :-)) tonight and will return on either Saturday night, or Sunday morning and so i'll be posting to y'all about the Penguin Games!! To start it off click the medal in the corner of your screen. Theres 3 tasks you need to complete to get that gold medal :P

Firstly I headed down to the Ski-Village to attempt the marathon! It seems Club Penguin added some new technology ;-) Instead of just running through the whole thing you have to stand beside each light pole until it lights up! so i met up with Sereena and (considering we had both already done it) we skipped to the end lol (the cove) cos' i wouldnt NOT have been able to stand by each of those poles again untill they lighted up ;-)

Wow now the cove is fuly packed.. it looks like Club penguin tried to cram as much light poles as they could into this place before you reach the end lol. Anyway if you successfully light up all the poles through all of the marathon then cross the line you will get one step closer to that gold medal ;-)

After that we waddled to the pool.. Now this place is wicked! And all you need to do is 6 laps back and fourth through the pool.. ( it got my snazzy clothes wet cos I had a little paddle, i didnt even manage 1 lap lol)

Now I went up to the ice burg to check out the awesome 3-lap-race! There are penguins on this track that just dont stop lol and almost everyone on the iceburg is circling it, trying to get that gold medal :P Now unfortunately this race is not continuous, meaning you have to stop at each light pole in order for it to know that you are actually doing the laps and not cheating ;-) ! But once you have completed all 3 laps then you have the GOLD MEDAL which is sooo worth it!

As usual Club Penguin added a 'members only' room which they do quite oftenly these days and so i emailed Club Penguin about it and they responded: "I understand that some penguins may be upset over the extra features that members have, however we must provide our paying members with more benefits since they are paying for the service." Well that does sound good and all but i would rather it so everyone could get in so we could play that promised soccer match ;-) Soccer is, after all, my favourite sport EVER!

LOL theres the funniest blimp in the background which flies around non-stop saying GOOD DAY!!! I wish they had made the Dojo into the blimp that says GOOD DAY that would rock! This stadium is wicked but the soccer ball is hard to control and moves extra slowly...

Now for the free-non-slavery-items. The blue face paint is found in the Pizza Parlour. All you have to do is walk up to the make-up stand, you dont have to run any marathons for this one lol ;-). However if you are in team red like me dont stay in there too long because last time i went in there everyone was telling me to go away cos "I was red" as shown...

Now after this unfriendly greeting i went over to the Town and jogged into the coffee shop "the official headquarters for the red team!" Make sure you check out the book room and play some of your friends in mancala :P.

Inside the coffee shop is the red face paint which you can obtain once more by walking ontop of the make up stand :-) Now there were no problems in here cos i was in my own team's headquarters lol. The red and blue face paints were old non members items a while ago, making them a rare item :D

Well thats all i can post at the moment about this wicked party!! Whats your favourite part of the party? What team are YOU on?

I will keep you posted on the Lemur Fest happenings when Lady Maryann returns from her fancy holiday tomorrow (or the day after tomorrow) ;-)

I might catch up with some of you on Club Penguin!! Untill then, have fun at the parrrtttyyyy!!!!
Pen Flippy

36 Comments. Write One Here!:

Anonymous,  August 22, 2008 at 6:33 AM  

WOWOWOW! that's one very coolio post! you and lm are the most creative writers of all cp bloggers! bravo! thank you for posting :)

Rawr August 22, 2008 at 6:35 AM  

BAHAHAHAHA why thankyou Dyla ray.. *cough cough dyla rimmington cough cough*
cmon you cant brag about your own posting COUGH COUGH but you can brag about mine :D

Leclercian August 22, 2008 at 10:37 AM  

Hey I'm having some troubles with my blog. I worked for about an HOUR trying to edit and make this awesome picture and I finished it :) But then my computer crashed :( I was wondering (Lady Maryann when you get back please read this) if anyone was willing to do the dire task of making a couple of cool pictures for my blog? I don't wanna sound rude or mean or impose on anything, I just wanted to ask if I could have some help. I stink at doing edits :( so PLEEEEASE contact me @ if you can PLEEEEEEEEASE help me with my site. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help!?!?

jewel August 22, 2008 at 5:37 PM  

I'm on both teams like both together since I couldn't deside lol. Good post Pen Flippy I read the whole thing it was funny!


P.S. I stink at getting uploading the pics onto my blog but I am a good editor. I maybe could help but you help me with uploading pics in return please?

tutso August 22, 2008 at 7:04 PM  

i like blue but red is cool too

hey pen flippy can i use your idea for the lemur fest to use a lemur and a color but an owl?

Rawr August 22, 2008 at 7:26 PM  

hey its moi pen flippy

jimmy: Why thankyou jimmy :-)

leclercian: Well im not skilled one bit in editing photos but im good at taking them and making them into jpegs. MY COMPUTER always crashes too!! tahts a pity you lost your photo :( try asking Maryann when she returns, im sure she will be more than happy to help ;-)

Jewel: lol.. Yes both colours are groovy but i reckon the blue is too dark, ad the red is prettyyy! lol, im opposite to you.. im good at getting them onto a blog but REALLy lack skills in editing :D

tutso: hold on.. So in the lemur fest you want your lemur to be an owl??
do you want to make an owl fest where you choose the colours of your owl?
well you sure CAN make an owl fest or what ever you like :P feel free to spread the idea, but im not sure if your lemur in the lemur fest will be allowed to be an owl, hence the lemur part lol:D

Anonymous,  August 22, 2008 at 7:32 PM  

I liked the face paints :)

Anonymous,  August 22, 2008 at 8:03 PM  

hi lol! wowwwww! puerta gallera is a cool place here in the phils! really a tourist spot! i haven't been there but my other family members did :D i saw the pics lol! but from here (manila- where me and lady maryann live), you have to take like a boat or something (that's the reason i didn't come- i have a slight phobia of drowning lol) happy trip LM!

leclerian- i can help ya *eyes glitter* so far, nobody really pays attention to the job thing on the sidebar lol and there's a less chance for my computer to crash because im on laptop and my editor automatically saves it :)

Joanna7777 August 23, 2008 at 3:58 AM  

Good news guys!A miricle happend!Yesterday Mishmash woke away from coma and now he is getting better.He will live!

Leclercian August 23, 2008 at 4:57 AM  

Aloha! I would love to have you guys help me with my site! My stupid computer recovered some of the pictures but it didnt look as good as I made it before :( But anyway, if you guys wanna help just email me at

deleted August 23, 2008 at 6:57 AM  

I cant beilve that they brought the face paint back. I'mso happy!

deleted August 23, 2008 at 6:59 AM  

I also didnt know that you had to stand by a pole for a LONG time.

deleted August 23, 2008 at 9:14 AM  

I wish non-members could go in the soccer stadium.

Speek August 23, 2008 at 12:11 PM  

Dear Lady Maryann, and Pen Flippy.

I am wondering if this party will bring out the Brown Puffle.

What's your opinion on my prediction.

I beleive we may find our new fury friend in a race possibly or doing something else.

He may come out from the Mountains and then come to the Ski Village.

Or come out from the forest.

What do you think.

Moogasa August 23, 2008 at 12:55 PM  

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! I HAVE TO CLEAN MY ROOM BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS!!! OMG CAPS LOCK!!! whew ok a little better except the fact that school starts on Monday and I am soooo not ready! And my cat just went to the hospital yesterday and we also adopted my aunt's old cat that she can't have and and and and and and I ahev to clean my roooom and and and and refresh my memory so I don't suck on the first day OH MEH GOSH!

Moogasa August 23, 2008 at 12:57 PM  

oh yea and my cat is in the hosptial sorry I mean vet, all thanx to the HORRIBLE flea meds we got her which is SEARGENTS BIO SPOT DO NOT GET IT OR YOUR CATT WILL GET DRUGGED AND HAVE TO GO TO THE VET! yea my cat is pretty much high off her drugs right now hehe....Don't get Seargents!


jewel August 23, 2008 at 2:29 PM  

LOL moo. Good to know! I have to go to this picnic today so I won't be on the computer and I hope your cat is okay. Cats rule!:P


P.S I like red and blue so I can go in both headquaters cause I'm on both teams hehe

Taylor August 23, 2008 at 3:28 PM  

WOW AWESOME POST PEN even though i already knew thT STUFF () ()
(") (")

I cant do tha bunny right :(

Taylor August 23, 2008 at 3:31 PM  

btw lady are you the one in that music video? if so, YOU ROCK!!!!!!!! You even do rock right now. I am gonna talk wiht my mfriends on monday about entering the talent show if there is one... nnaxflzn now

Rawr August 23, 2008 at 7:45 PM  

Straw: lol, i agree the face paints rock, but i thought you already had them? cos your a very old penguin :D

Chucky: hehe, well it IS fancy then :D i was right lol. Your scared of drowning? well theres not much chance of you actually drowning, u shoulda gone with your family :D i love holidays.

Joanna: YAY mishy is back!!! wakin up from a comba after like 3 days? that IS A MIRACLE :D

leclercian: What pictures are you looking for? do you need a photographer for your site or something?? that really annoying that you lost all of your pics :(

kcaj497: yes i totally agree, the stadium should be for everyone!! then we could actually have some fun in there :| Ye its good they brought back the face paints cos they look snazzy :D

Speek: OMG!!! i reckon that they will bring out the brown puffle who will be really sporty!!! he will probably be hiding in the cove or something because of the marathon ;) great speculation speek :D

Moogasa: Woooow your school is only starting now? mines been going for like 3 terms already, mines nearly finished :D YAY! LOL your cat is high off drugs that gets rid of fleas?? confusing :D oh and good luck with the room :P

jewel: HEHE yes well i guess you could wear both teams but which one is special one?? I LOVE PICNICS! have fun ;) AND EAT LOTS

Spoil: lol cheers :D and good luck with the bunny.. looks more like a lemur to me :P

Joanna7777 August 24, 2008 at 12:32 AM  

I hope Mishy get better soon and go back home.

() ()

() ()

MishMash215 August 24, 2008 at 12:47 AM  

Oops, i obviously cnt count coz i left out 5!

MishMash215 August 24, 2008 at 12:51 AM  

OK im bored now BYE!
Awesome post Flipperz bye the way! :D
You are awesome :)

Leclercian August 24, 2008 at 5:56 AM  

Pen Flippy-
You know how lady maryann did the "I'm a hanger" thing? Yea, I can't do THAT. I can do the basic shift+printscreen, edit, copy, and paste, but not the not-basic fiddling-with-your-penguin-shape-to-fit-it-into-something-cool-like-a-hanger. Yea, that's about what I need. Like a few days ago I was in the soccer field and I wasn't on Leclercian (cause she's not a member) and I wanted to copy and paste her into the soccer field when I shift-printscreen-ed the field on my screen. Leclercian showed up as a big white blob (a very non-believeable blob) on the soccer field. Sooooo that's the kinda help I need. :)

Speek August 24, 2008 at 8:02 AM  

I hope im right about the Brown Puffle

It would be awesome if it came true

I think the Brown Puffle may be at the Ski Village.

Where the race starts


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