Hey guys its me, Pen Flippy.
Eh Eh Ermmm....
Ever wondered where my lemur obsessions begun? Well some of you oldies may already know, but ill RE-VISE it ;-)
Back when i loved to snoop around, I snooped too far, coming across this site. This lead to me taking a fond for leaving friendly comments and sharing my word vertification.. One of these word vertifications happened to be very close to the word LEMUR which then lead to my PASSION FOR LEMURS! And so here I am, many months later posting for a short period in order to reveal plans we have been working hard on in gmail lol (well sorta.. ;-)).
Introducing the "Lemur Fest"
Now.. youve all heard about lemurs right? But have you heard of a competition where you and your lemur have to climb an apple tree? Or make smoothies for a king who enjoys KIWIS and PINEAPPLES? Well the LEMUR FEST dawns nearer.. taking you and your lemur to the extremes! This fest will test your ability to solve and work out the tricky situations of a day to day lemur (and yes lemurs do make smoothies for their kings :-E)
Now.. youve all heard about lemurs right? But have you heard of a competition where you and your lemur have to climb an apple tree? Or make smoothies for a king who enjoys KIWIS and PINEAPPLES? Well the LEMUR FEST dawns nearer.. taking you and your lemur to the extremes! This fest will test your ability to solve and work out the tricky situations of a day to day lemur (and yes lemurs do make smoothies for their kings :-E)
Above is the new header that will be hung up when the Lemur Fest begins! (made by Maryann) I find this banner simply spiffing! and i can't wait till the lemur fest begins! But first ill tell ya a bit about how exactly you enter the Lemur Fest. A form may have to be filled out, or a simple comment stating your penguins name, email, and of course, what colour and name you would like for your lemur! (choose your color below)
Me and Merry Ant will be hosting this Lemur fest which should begin in a week or so and should stretch out for a weekly period.. We will announce the details when we have decided the pinpoints :-)
I hope the sports party will be fun! I can't wait to get the items you earn through competition :P, maybe I could verse you in soccer eh? BRING IT ON lol
Pen Flippy
Colors with Names beside them are already taken!
Choose a color that is still available. First Come First Served! ;-)
Also check out the comments if somebody
has already locked in THAT color!
Here is My Lemur that is colored Maroon!
Peace Rocks! ~ Lady Maryann~
79 Comments. Write One Here!:
Lemur fest?
Stays without saying anything.
Q:What should somebody say when Lady Maryann is making something?
Idk maby I will join but I ama litlle bit busy with my olympic Teams.
cool:) i like owls. i forgot why:)
penguin name: tutso
lemur color: dark blue
lemur name: Mr. L
lady maryann can you help me with my site i need contributors cuz school started and i got the teacher who gives lots of homework:(
Thats awsome! You have the coolest ideas!
mm its seems far out there but cool but every one elese is throwing parties so i will see
yay! very nice! this is actually pen flippy's cooool idea, im just support lol! i loooove it!
go join and comment your penguin name, lemur color and lemur name.... just like how tutso did!
i am soooo excited ooooooohhhh! ;-)
penguin name: H2omantine
lemur color: Light Blue
lemur name: H2omantyke
Penguin name: Leclercian
Color: Light Blue!
Lemur Name: Ring a ding
Geez u guys r soooo creative!
color: Cyan-aqua
name: Nikki
jimy 0123
color: slate blue
Lemur Name: Dilon
Hi guys heres the lemur i want
Penguin Name:Joslin909
Color: goldenrod
Name: Chestnut
Cp name: Ting tong09
Color: blue
Name: Ting
Deep sky blue (had to change it)
Name: Ring a ding
Okay, I want:
Penguin Name: Minun 25
Email: blueclubpenguinteam@gmail.com
Lemurs Color: Turquoise
Lemurs Name: Minun 25.
Cool, And thanks.
~Minun 25~
I will register!
Penguin name:Joanna7777
Lemur color:Deep pink
Lemur name(Pj.A)
OK! I wanna enter!
Name: King Yippy Skippy
Color: indigo
weeeee lemur!!!!!!
ok sorry almost forgot
penguin name: Moogasa
email: kittybecka@sbcglobal.net
Awesome post Pen Flippy.
How did you get to be part of Lady Maryanns blog?
Everyone please go to my blog.
I am holding some super huge events.
please sign up untill its too late.
go to my site to read the events and sign up.
my site:
penguin name: Nikereog
lemur color:Red
lemur name:Red Alert
PENGUIN NAME-Glynnannsbff
COLOR-hot pink
The contest sounds SWEET.
p.s. me and my bff love lemurs. we even made up a song about them!
Penguin name: Jewel45615
Lemur color: Deepskyblue
Lurmur name awesomeness
(I am not allowed to give out my e mail is that ok?)
I call MidnightBlue!
Im Spoil Pink and I would like my lemur color deeppink and its name Angel Pink66
jewel & spoil pink: your chosen color is already taken. please choose a color that has not been taken :-)
Dyla Ray
(CPCrazy Moderator)
could i switch to medium blue?
Cool could I have a navy one?Oh and if you want sign up for my hockey team.You automatically make it since you are on my site.
Lemur name:Cg7mv7
It is very cool!!
Penguin name:Siubun
Lemur color:Violet
Lemur name:Siubun
Me i want!!!! :D
penguin name: club dad
lemur colour: SILVER ! (i love white, silver and black! hahas :D)
lemur name: Whilvack
yayayayay! :D
penguin name: Crysatal97
lemur color: skyblue
lemur name: Gemsa
penguin name: Crysatal97
lemur color: skyblue
lemur name: Gemsa
wicked! idea by 'da way
name:456 Ed
Color: Dodger Blue
LOL this is cool
superb! :D
this is interesting.
penguin name: Chubby Lala
lemur color: mistyrose
lemur name: Chubbyboo
this is awesome! cpc rocks
when will this contest will be on?
Colour - Light Sky Blue
Penguin Name- Ain Iffah 98
Rock On! I hope no one took My colour! That colour ROX!
Alright heres my requested details!!!
penguin name: Pen Flippy
lemur colour: Lime Green
Lemur Name: Mr. Kinky
LOL!!! :P cmon lemur!!!
ACTuallY!!! black lemur pleaseee!!!
Hey Pen Flippy and Lady Maryann! The Lemur Fest sounds cool! Here's my details:
Penguin Name: Rocko183
Lemur Color: dark turquoise
Lemur Name: Rocko
may i change to royal blue???
Penguin name: Jennypuffel
Lemur color: Light skyblue
lemur name: pokey
btw my email is jennypuffel@hotmail.com
oh lemme do it again
name: tutso
email: stutso@gmail.com
lemur color: mediumblue
lemur name: Mr. awesome
Name: Salinajean
Color: Lime
Name: MishMash215
E-Mail: mishmash.215@hotmail.com
Lemur Colour: Orange
Lemur Name: Potato
Yo Lady Maryann! Heres my details!
Penguin Name: Survivor91
Lemur Colour: Firebrick
Lemur Name: Survivor Junior
jennypuffel: lightskyblue is already taken. i reserved lightblue for you instead. if you want another color, just let me know in comment :)
Dyla Ray
CPCrazy Moderator
Oh! Shivers! I forgot my e-mail! Ok my info so u know who i ma talking about
penguin name: Crysatal97
lemur color: skyblue
lemur name: Gemsa
~Te He~ Im so dumb!
Ok as maryann is temporarily away i will answer some of your queries on the lemur fest!!!
you asked:
How did you get to be part of lady maryann's blog? well i am only posting for a short time in oreder to post the games and stuff for the lemur fest!!!
you asked:
Im not allowed to post my email, is that ok? it sure is jewel! we didnt ask for email exactly and the only time we would need someones email would be to award them their prize!
Chubby lala:
you asked:
When will this contest be on? well we have concluded a date.. the lemur fest will begin on the first of september :D
And the rest of the comments are about changing colours lol.. yes of course you can change your colour :D just dont change it toooo much lol :P
Pen Flippy
peng name mission59
lemer name mission59
coler plum
ooh! coolio pen! I'm LIGHTCORAL (lemur color) U KNOW ME PENGY name ryt? lol! my lemur name.. that's hard... OH I KNOW! Chow Chow! ayayayayay! I WILL climb that apple tree! Hmm... I MIGHT have a little festivity sometime in the NEXT monthS (most likely october, you will understand :P)
Color: SNOW
Penguin name: sparkforever
Lemur color: darkviolet
Lemur name: sparky
Ok you get my Color Suggestion but not my lemur name
Name: Salinajean
Color: lime
Lemur Name: Crystals
Ok I wanna join. I don't know if u need the email address.
penguin name: Sereena25
lemur color: blueviolet
lemur name: Momo
Momo is a girl.
penguin name: princemooch
lemur colour: sea blue (well any type of blue)
lemur's name: PRINCE Jjb
hi lady maryann
penguin name: bluerick55
lemur color: green
lemur name: Mr. CooL/Hippie
Penguin name: Kayl35722
E-mail: Kayl35722@yahoo.co.uk
Lemur Colour: mediumvioletred
Lemur Name: Cherrie
penguin name: Tt22cool
lemur color: mediumspringgreen
lemur name: lomo
I wanna change my color to chocolate.
hi hi its ruth neo!
im light pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
penguin name: Sky High Z
lemur colour: dark red
lemur name:Sky High Z
Penguin Name:Mega Dude1
Color:Lawn Green
Lemur Name:Mountain Dew
I Hope I'm Not To Late 'cuz This Looks Pretty Cool!
Penguin name: Mt Orange
Lemur Color: Dark Orange
Lemur Name: Mt Orange
Can u plz change my color to chocolate. Thx.
Woo Hoo! I want a lemur!
Penguin Name:Koppy33
Lemur Name:Kopsky3
i want light grey plz!!! PLZ!!
can i please be steel blue?
thanks so much!
oh and i LOVE MONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you're friend goofy73
penguin name: Lacario1995
Email: lacario1995@gmail.com
Lemure name: Lacario
Lemure Color:orange red
thnak u and i hope i get my color till next time pen and lady.
KOPPY33: you did not tell me what color you want. so i gave you TAN for the mean time. please comment if you want another color ;-)
Can i change mine to Mediumorchild, In the purple slots, second group 2 color, thanks of if you can :)
nvm i pick magenta-fushia
please take off darkorchid. :D
thank you!
sorry forgot the name: cutielemur27
dark orchid
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