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Saturday, August 16, 2008


I had fun tonight! Woohoo! Some of the coolest penguins I know were gathered in my igloo. Sometimes, un-planned parties make the most fun parties! Yay! Believe it or not, I enjoy hanging out with you coz...


We made noise...

Gave each other flowers... aaahhhh soooo schweet! ;-)

And in remembrance of 1x3Soccer102...

I did not have the opportunity to meet 1x3Soccer. But her friends are deeply sad now that she is gone forever. Tutso, one of Soccer's friend, told us that she died of a lung illness. We know that Soccer is happy where ever she is now. WE HEART YOU SOCCER! We bid you good-bye but your memory will stay in the hearts of your friends forever!

We felt Tutso's sadness and so we all gave her flowers. I hope we made her happy for a little while in our own little way...

CG7MV7 threw a flower in the ocean for Soccer ;-)

To all of Soccer's friends. It's ok to be sad for that loss of a good friend. But be happy knowing that where ever Soccer is now, she is in a better happier place without sickness. I am 100% sure she is happy. So there is no reason now for you to be sad, is there? ;-)

One more thing, when you log on CP, why don't you give flowers to all your friends to show them how much you appreciate their friendship? Why wait for them to be "gone" to give them flowers? By then they won't know you gave them flowers. I sure would be ecstatic if I got one from you WHILE I AM STILL ALIVE! LOL! ;-)

To all who dropped by my igloo, I am sorry for not being such a good host ;-) we did NOT do anything EXCEPT hang out and chill ;-) And I super liked it! Thank you for hanging out with me. Here's something I especially made for you ;-)

Dear 013Kris013, Adrianpete, Angel Pink66, Brad1072, Cg7mv7, Cheyanne4491, Con241, Elmedina123, Friedajane98, H20mantine, Jd0608, Kandie7734, Kcaj497, Kookle910, Lauren8090, Leclercian, Leopard68231, Oprah Noodle, Pochoma123, RoberKing001, Spoil Pink, Supersaint25, Tutso, Vapnoar777, Way2rchdude, and Xtra Aurora,

From Your Friend,
Lady Maryann

Please visit my friends' sites by clicking on their names! Also, please please visit Spoil Pink's new website. Her old website got hacked and deleted by a super baddie hacker. Please do drop by. Thanksssss! :-)

If I forgot to put in your name or missed your website, please email or comment below so I can update this post.

Party 'til You Drop! ^.^

Peace Rocks ~Lady Maryann~

37 Comments. Write One Here!:

Moogasa August 16, 2008 at 2:05 PM  

Well thats the best I can do, but I do miss Ix3soccer102.....but, with my circus freak powers i can still talk to here probably, if u catch my frizz.


Moogasa August 16, 2008 at 2:09 PM  

OK nvm, but good news is, she's in heaven! thanx to all of us careing for her awwwww! how sweet! all thx to the ouija board lol. just remeber kidz, she's in a better place, than she'll EVER be, besides, who would ever want to be stuck with lung cancer for your entire life with it that bad! :( happy thoughts happy thoughts. tear tear.


Anonymous,  August 16, 2008 at 4:10 PM  

look! Its kinda like a flower! the * the head and the ! is the stalk!

Anyway thats so sad! I havn't meet her either she sounds ince though! I wonder who she chose to be a gaurdian angel? Maybe shes the Gadian CP CRazy Angel! She making sure hackers don't get into the site. lol! *cry cry cry* oh well! I'm sure we'll have lotsa fun!

nikereog August 16, 2008 at 4:16 PM  

I am sorry that i missed it.I went to the city and i.....and before i forget i told Lady Maryann to email everyone she knows that hackers have attacked CP,blogs,wordpress,myspace,youtube and ets........

tutso August 16, 2008 at 4:32 PM  

umm... i never met her. i found her site and read her posts. thats how i found out about the lung cancer. i cant believe she died. i never got the chance to meet her...

Leclercian August 16, 2008 at 5:11 PM  

Not to make a sob story, but first of all: *\ weird looking flowers for everyone! And second of all, I know how everyone feels about the loss. I had a teacher named Mr. Leclerc (hence the name LECLERCian, which everyone called my class) but Mr. Leclerc was the nicest teacher I ever had and he had to fight lukemia 2 TIMES! The first time, he won! The second, he lost. We will always have Soccer on our hearts and minds forever xoxo Leclercian

Anonymous,  August 16, 2008 at 5:50 PM  

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! soccer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why did she die! (don't answer that) socccer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

~sad, sneaking from 'rents chuck

Rawr August 16, 2008 at 6:18 PM  

omg soccer.. aww she was my buddy and i remember when i was dancing in the cove with mishmash and soccer and little did i know they would both fall seriosly ill :( aww i miss her :( and soi give everyone flowers!!!!

@ @ @
Now they are some good flowers ;-)
*hugs everyone within range*

pen flippy

Anonymous,  August 16, 2008 at 6:38 PM  

Hey ladymaryann! Im back from from vacation! You r truly a really nice generuous sweet penguin.I never knew soccer but I feel so sad.
Your friend Sereena25

Taylor August 16, 2008 at 7:56 PM  

Flowers for lady maryann and you forgot sheldon k250 and tater pink/. I went on their penguins to. idk my uncles myspace though. you need to remove the verification dxuff

~Vapnoar777~ August 16, 2008 at 8:18 PM  

Wow, thnx! You're awesome and I enjoyed "just hanging out". Lol!
I'm sad that Soccer is gone, but you're right, we shouldn't mourn!
Go Soccer and Lady M!

MishMash215 August 16, 2008 at 9:11 PM  

We love you soccer, im so sorry i couldnt come!
You were my best friend, and im so saad that you are gone, but at least i know you are in a better place!
We'll see each other soon soccer, i know it! :)
She kept me happy when i was sick, and kept me alive, im so sorry that my attempts to do the same to you didnt work!
Hearts for you soccer, you rock! :(
You were my best ever friend Soccer.
- MishMash215

MishMash215 August 16, 2008 at 9:12 PM  

Sniff Sniff...
she will always be with us

Taylor August 16, 2008 at 9:35 PM  


Flowers for Lady Maryann!

Luckylarry(Survivor91) August 17, 2008 at 2:26 AM  

Yo Lady Maryann and everyone! Please can you guyz do me a favour? Go to this site:

And vote for me please! I got selected! Please vote for me!


Joanna7777 August 17, 2008 at 7:05 AM  

Exacly I heard that she dead from a cancer.But how did happened.She was so stong...
And too young.
I hope there is a Eden.Co'z if there is I am sure that she will go there.
I had alway thinked how she will get better but,but...
She was so good!
Ixsoccer you will be in our heart forever.
Also Survivor91, how could you talk about your blog in this sad post?We are all crying but you are talking about blogs.

Taylor August 17, 2008 at 8:36 AM  

In my book eragon if an elf dies or some certain other pople they will go to the council of elders which means they wll be dead and alive at the same time. I wish the council of elders was real.

Anonymous,  August 17, 2008 at 9:01 AM  

Flowers for all my friends and Hearts for all my friends and everyone else. Peace.

Beauty&theBeast August 17, 2008 at 10:26 AM  

awww thanks Lady Maryann,
your the best!
**gives flower**
and let 1x3soccer102 rest in peace!
she know is fully recovered and healtier than she ever was on earth.
She is with the Lord and will be cared for, i will pray for her family, i know there going through a hard time!
i have to go cya!
that's wat i always say!

Anonymous,  August 17, 2008 at 11:24 AM  

im sorry for 1x3soccer102. Im sorry i didnt make the party but i didnt know.Its a good thing shes in heaven now.THE LAND OF MILK AND HONEY!

shout out to my frend 1x3soccer102.Hope u like heven. WISh u were here!

Oh and Maryann u forgot me on ur frends thing.


Anonymous,  August 17, 2008 at 11:36 AM  


Flowers to all frends and Soccer.
Wish she were here!

-O- -O-
* *
/ \


Hearts to evry one


Love Nicole744

Speek August 17, 2008 at 11:56 AM  

Its sad to loose a friend.

Never to see them ever again, Never to hear from them. NEVER

Life is fragile and short.

Each day should be lived to the fulliest.

As if it is your last.

Make each day worth living.

No matter how said you can get, there is allways someone there for you.

I will be there for you.

deleted August 17, 2008 at 4:14 PM  

Its to bad that shes gone. But remember she is in a better place now.

deleted August 17, 2008 at 4:20 PM  

Cool party any way!

P.S. thanks for being my buddy!

Check out my site!
You Rock!

goofy73 August 17, 2008 at 7:22 PM  

ahh that i so sweet! im sorry i wasnt there. D= =C soccer i feel so bad. its so sad.

you're friend goofy73

Luckylarry(Survivor91) August 18, 2008 at 3:17 AM  

Yo joanna you got me wrong. I do feel sad, and I made a tribute to her using a nice picture on my blog, so dont say that I aint sad, coz I am a close friend of Soccer's. And that wasnt even my blog in the first place, I was just asking you guyz for votes. I think its really rude of you to say that I was not sad of Soccer's demise, coz I was extremely sad the moment I heard of one of my closest friend's death. :'(


Joanna7777 August 18, 2008 at 9:00 AM  

Oh I am really sory Survivor.Also your site is cool.I voted.I hope yo forgot me.i was realy nervious when I heard that 1x2Soccer is dead.When I am nervious and sad I don't know exacly what I am doing.

jewel August 18, 2008 at 10:27 AM  

I miss soccer.. She was my friend to! Soccer died of lung cancer. I went to Tooly's memorial party for Soccer. There were sooooo many ppl there! I didn't about the party last night until now sorry! I would have totally come if I heard.
='( ='( Soccer was the nicest person ever! She was a really great friend.


Anonymous,  August 18, 2008 at 11:27 AM  



Anonymous,  August 18, 2008 at 12:55 PM  

Im sooo sorry i missed the party..
I dont what made me miss it...snif

tutso August 18, 2008 at 2:15 PM  

those flowers made me feel special and assured me that people care about me!

kittens777777 August 19, 2008 at 5:40 AM  

:( I MISS SOCCER!!!! SHE WAS MY FRIEND!!! WAAAAA!!! and i HATE spoil pink i will never visit her site ever again!

Lady Maryann of CPCrazy August 19, 2008 at 9:26 AM  

hoooyah! ;-)

so soooorry for my very very late reply to all your comments :-( it's exams week you see :-(

umm sorry this is gonna be real long... read on ;-)

moogasa: thank you! i love the flowers! LOL! i love your freaky powers and ouija! can you ask my deceased great great grandpa where he hid the family treasures? LOL! youre funneh! ;-)

crysatal: thanks for the flower! yeah i hope she becomes CPCrazy's guradian angel and keep the hackers away! lol!

nikereog: its ok. the party was not planned. those hackers are baddie ggggrrrrrr!

tutso: oh sorry for the mis info. but it felt like you 2 were friends. you are very nice! :-)

leclercian: i knew there was a story to your name! thats sooo sad :-( and thanks for the flowers! ;-)

chuckleloo: lol! youre funneh! all right i wont answer hahaha

pen flippy: thanks! those are nice flowers! ;-)

sereena25: welcome back sereena! its not hard to be nice when you are surrounded by very nice people :-) peace to you too sereena ;-)

spoil pink: ok i will correct the post accordingly. thanks for the flowers! ;-) dead and alive at the same time? um like a zombie :-)

vapnoar7777: yup! life goes on! you rock! ;-)

mishmash215: boy! am i so glad you got well... ;-) youre a nice penguin ;-) thats a heart-felt message to a friend

survivor91: yay! i voted for you and you are leading! i hope you win! ;-) where is your blog. i cant find it :-(

joanna77777: yeah shes waaaay to young. but im happy soccer didnt have to suffer for a long time! lets all be happy for her ;-)

ophrah noodle: you are a kind soul. you prayed for the family too ;-) thanks for the flowers! ;-)

nicky: thats ok nicky! it was a surprise party so nobody knew ;-) the bunch of flowers was for those who were in the party.... here is one specially for YOU nicky ;-)

speek: youre very um eloquent! very nice words! ;-) im glad to know i can count on my friends ;-) thanks!

kcaj497: i couldnt agree more! ;-)

goofy73: its ok friend. theres always a next time ;-)

survivor91: even after death, life still goes on to others. its ok to go back to business while youre still mourning. i voted for you. and i will again. i hope you win! ;-) please read joanna's apology ;-)

joanna7777: i admire you joanna. you are so humble to accept your msitake and you are quick to say sorry. nobody is perfect but saying sorry gets you back on the road to perfection ;-)

jewel: thats ok. im sorry you lost a very good friend. please accept my condolences :-(

456 ed: LOL! i bet its awesome... FOR EVERYBODY! hahaha nice ;-)

minun25: its ok. its not a planned party anyways... you can go to the next party though :-)

tutso: we are glad we made you feel special and happy with your flower gifts ;-)

kittens77777: im sorry kittens. please accept my condolences :-( why???? hwta happened between you and spoil pink?!!!

lion tamer:heres for you. i hope you feel better

Lady Maryann of CPCrazy August 19, 2008 at 9:27 AM  

whew thats loooong! ;-) *yawns* zzzzzzzzzz

Moogasa August 19, 2008 at 4:58 PM  

lol! i can go to your non-members party now yay! im not a member anymore! lololololol1 WAFFLE! (it means rofl)


Anonymous,  August 19, 2008 at 9:58 PM  


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Peace Rocks! ~Lady Maryann, CPCrazy~ ;-)

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