Club Penguin Times newspaper May 15 2008 issue is now out. Log in to Club Penguin to read it.
Or read just the interesting ones here, as usual ;-)
Points of Interest:
- May 16's Medieval Party background story continued today. In case you missed last week's newspaper, I posted it here too for your convenience ;-)
- Igloo Contest officially announced today. It will start on May 23. To win, decorate your igloo in Medieval-theme making use also of the new furnitures to be released on May 23. 10 winners will be chosen and will be awarded with 10,000 coins. This is like a major igloo contest coz 2 major furniture catalogs will be release at the same time! So go get some serious major Big Bucks!
- This is the official announcement of the New Pet Furniture Catalog to be released on May 23.
- Best 3 Book Stories are being chosen. Winning stories will be published by the end of the Month. Good luck to those who submitted! ;-)
- I have been writing about Rockhopper's Rare Flower Pot since the beginning of this month. But CP was mum about it until now. Aunt Arctic sorta mentioned it, but not discussed it. So it's really up to you to discover it. You may view the rare flower pot's growth progress on the side bar ;-)
- As has been done in the past 3 newspapers, 2 new budding penguin writers' writeups are published in the newspaper! Wow! Congratulations!
- If you want to get published too, next weeks review is the Medieval Party. Aunt Arctic tells you how to join:
- Today's puzzle is inteactive. Similar to past puzzles, tick all the choices you want and it will dictate how the story and images will look like. Now, this puzzle is cool coz it got FLASHLIGHT on it! As you know, FLASHLIGHT is my most fave flipper item of all ;-) Here is just 1 sample combination.
- Here is the Updated Calendar of Events this Month. It is also on the left sidebar so you can be reminded of what's going to happen when.
Read 'til You Drop! ^.^
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