It's all hyped up for the coming PENGUIN GAMES! Woohoo! ;-) Gut-feel tells me that Penguin Games won't be boring as the on-going Paper Boat Scavenger Hunt. Hah! Now, let's dissect the new Club Penguin Times ;-)
As usual, log on Club Penguin and read the newspaper there. Or scroll down and be ready for some worthy newspaper review! (of course, I am a little biased LOL!)
- Rory The Designer Guy and Rookie The Messenger Guy from the Missions are doing some sort of interview. Their conversation is funny actually. Click on the Basketball to read their convo. Here's the MOST IMPORTANT statements:
- New Igloo Catalog is coming out tomorrow with the release of NEW SHIP IGLOO! Wahoo!
- A take on about being Sportly Fashionably Chic!
- Room in Focus: The Plaza
- I don't know how to call this exactly. It's sort of a GAME or maybe not... but at least it's interactive ;-)
- Here's the Calendar of Events in Club Penguin. The Events Calendar Widget is also updated. Check it out on the sidebar on the left!
Play for loooootsa coins today! At least 10,000coins. I'm thinking, Ship Igloo would cost around 4,000-5,000 and new sports items to be around that amount too. As for me, I am going for 15,000coins just in case the furniture in the sports catalog make me drool! Yah know how I like to horde prettyyyyy things! hahaha ;-)
Ok! I gotta go work my donkey off! I'll just be around the pet shop in Fjord. Say hi if you see me there.Ta-ta!
Read 'til You Drop!
PS. Oh! I forgot! All the pics here are not tagged so go on ahead and use it. AND please scroll further down to view ALL the site banners I have made for maaaaaah friends! ;-)
14 Comments. Write One Here!:
Wicked kewl!
I would LU-U-RVE to work my bloo-""MIGHTY"" donkey off with you merry ant but your not there.. i guess ill just go in aurora *twiddles thumbs, loooks at flippers* :(
INTERNATIONAL LEMUR DAY WILL RISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg i would love a lemur day and you put lemurs EVERYWHERE..
It would make me and the lemurs so happy *wipes tear from eye*
OO speaking of disexcting we disected a heart today in science :P i accidently dropped mine on my lab partners leg.. now his pants are all covered in cow blood :D lol
Hi guys! It's The 14th and my birthday! hooyah!!
hooooyah! ^.^
crystala: hi! you gotta nice name!
pen flippy: i fell asleep. sorry. ;-) email me about that lemur thing. i closed my eyes on your spelling of dissecting lol! ew we are gonna dissect a frog next year ew ew ew!
Im going for top commenter now
P.S. My Birthday comment was #1
Hi Lady Maryann
Q. Whats up?
MY A. Well, for me now, the ceiling
5 LM you here?
Did I miss her? Awww man... 6
i dont need more money loll i have plenty. very intresting article. your like the mimo777 who is acutlay nice to there fans
Hey!!! One more comment on this post!! : ) Maryann, your widgets are not working cuz your bandwidth has been exceeded with too many people visiting your googlepages : ) Why don't you divert the traffic to your site so the widgets can work? :D As in change the code!!
PS: Your widgets are really nice and popular and people click them on my site!!
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