WARNING: If you think "Bloody" is a cuss, then READ HERE instead.
Otherwise, proceed at your own risk ;-)
Otherwise, proceed at your own risk ;-)
It's bloody red! And I bloody love it! ;-)
I know many would be bloody disappointed that it's not the Pink-Purple Party Hat that they PREDICTED. But me, I soooo love it just because it's bloody red! hehehe! Had it not been that color, I bloody might have e-mailed CP my bloody disappointment! ;-)
I had doubts about it being a party hat BUT I didn't have any idea what it will be either. That's why I never wrote about it nor posted the image of the 'supposed' Pink-Purple Party Hat until early today when someone emailed me that the Beta Tester Gift will be a Hat but not a Cone Hat. My consideration was:
I had doubts about it being a party hat BUT I didn't have any idea what it will be either. That's why I never wrote about it nor posted the image of the 'supposed' Pink-Purple Party Hat until early today when someone emailed me that the Beta Tester Gift will be a Hat but not a Cone Hat. My consideration was:
The ONLY things that would be considered RARE are PINS and Cone (Anniversary) Hats. If that is true, then how could it be RARE if like a MILLION are wearing it?! ;-)
We should all be happy to have received a gift at all! We didn't even know they were going to give one until the CPIP Test was finished. So, shush, wear it and go tip the iceburg ;-)
***Although "BLOODY" is sometimes considered vulgar meaning "damned", it also means "mighty." I looked it up ;-) I meant "mighty" all through out this post ;-) If the post above violated your sensibility, then READ HERE instead. I did warn you, yah know ;-)
Drill 'til You Drop! ^.^
***Although "BLOODY" is sometimes considered vulgar meaning "damned", it also means "mighty." I looked it up ;-) I meant "mighty" all through out this post ;-) If the post above violated your sensibility, then READ HERE instead. I did warn you, yah know ;-)
Drill 'til You Drop! ^.^
36 Comments. Write One Here!:
Hmmm I'm not to happy about it (you can see in my post)
but oh well we are lucky to get one
lol I thought u were saying 'bloody' like the british word and I was thinking "Wow....foul mouth" lol
cool post
Hi LM!
Thanx For The Note!
I Almost thought they were'nt giving anything! Anyways, Bye!
~AIn Iffah
nikereog & ain: thanks & hi! ;-)
yinyang15cp: hi matt! yeah i felt your disappointment lol! had it not been RED, i will probably saw RED too! (oops sorry, i have a funny lame way with words sometimes ;-))
nah, i dont cuss. but i do pronounce it like the british "blowdie" hehehe ;-)
pen flippy: hi flipflop! i keep missing you! grrrr! this bloody time zone s**ks! these things make me foul-mouthed! hehehe! no matter what FIVE MILLION people say, i looove the red beta tester hat! hmph! ;-) jeremy huh? i wonder how you would call the red hat ;-)
its not really a competition flipflop. its just a way of recognizing who the top commenters were ;-) i love reading comments you see!
all together now!
yippee yippee im a lady
wippee wippee glad am i (sometimes)
yippee yippee im a lady
wippee wippee my, oh, my!
i like chirpy songs! ;-)
(i hope that isn't your soccer game victory song flipflop! ;-))
pen flippy: hahaha funny poem flipflop! but i think 4 people are going to zoink you in the head! hahaha!
Cool Site!
I really seriously like it!
Please visit mine and leave a comment:!
I need the hits!
if i may ask merry ant... how old are you? you dont have to answer this if u dont wanna
mmopuk: hi! you can advertise your site on the ADVERTISE HERE page by clicking on the link above or the button below the main banner.
You actually violated a rule here but i am letting you through coz you are the FIRST to ever break that rule since I got that rule up! ;-)
I am sooo glad people here are so responsible! really! *big smile*
pen flippy: i love the poem flipflop! im actually imagining you wearing the bard costume at the stage ;-)
some infos, including age, are on the slumbook page. hmmm sounds like im advertising it hahaha! but no, i just would like you to know some er cutesy things about me hehehe ;-) now, submit yours please ;-) see you flipflop!
ps. i know im lagging in posting all your slumbook submissions! i will be at it this weekend! promise! ;-)
lol no problem
I'm glad it was red too...if it was any other pink i bet many people (including me =D) would have been real unhappy-er
yinyang15cp: it would be interesting to see you in pink matt lol! ;-)
hi! i thought it will be a pair of tsinelas hehe! ksi... my penguikn still has no stuff for its webby feety hehe *BIG BASHFUL SMILE*
Pen Flippy, Lady Maryann was right! Zoink! What are lemuers?
How do you put stickys on your blog?
You broke a rule locker.
no advertising here Locker. to advertise you go to the advertising page. And stop being mean please.
No bad words and No Advertising here. Did you read the text above the commet box? And I don't think I deserve that way of being treated if I'm not treating you that way. I'm just trying to let you know that way you don't do that mistake again.
Lady Maryann : hahaha funny poem flipflop! but i think 4 people are going to zoink you in the head! hahaha!
I say... Yes I AM!! ehehehehe! JK but when i read it.. i do feel like 'zoinking' him!
~Ain Iffah
I don't consider "bloody" a curse, but I do consider "da*ned" a curse. Although, "da*ned" is in the bible. Oh, well...
This never gets through, WHEN IS TECHNOPENGI COMING OUT!?!
chuckleloo: i will donate you my pink tsinelas if i could. wish cp allows trading. then i will also give you 1 of my precious rare flower pots hehehehe ;-)
spoil pink: thanks! i think you did a wonderful wonderful job. thank you. i like the way you worded it ;-)
locker78: i will let you through this time. Do not be mean to anyone. This site is promotes others sites but we have rules for them. Obey them. This site is also kid-friendly, so do not say bad or mean words. Do not do it again and you are welcome here. ;-)
pen flippy: yeah and i bet they also stink! ;-)
ain: thats what i thought! ;-)
bestpl8er: yup it is! darn! ;-) ~darn is not a cuss but the other da*n is~ ;-)
aguair: hi aguair! you sound impatient ;-) where are you posting your question? TECHNOPENGI will come out on June3-4, depending on your time zone ;-) see yah!
Hi im your 30th comment!!!
How do you get so many comments. I want lots like your site! :(
oh well! Your site is doing great.
I wish i were part of it sometimes.
oh well.
omg. never anything like THAT before. wow. i dont think blood is a curse. but da**ed is. at least where I live.
speek to me: but you are a part of this site speek. we have the amazing race together ;-) i dont know how i got comments, it just came. it will come to your site too, just be patient ;-)
kittens77777: really? oh wow! are you sure. coz if you look it up in the dictionary, darn is not curse, but damn is. :-( i dont want to be offending anybody ;-) thanks for telling me ;-)
Yeah, the mining hat totally rocks!
Luckily I was curious on April Fool's Day and went in (green puffles)!
And when I went to my account and saw the mining hat.. I thought it was some kind of glitch!
club dad: good for you! ;-) im so sorry for those who hadnt gotten the red hard hat. :-(
JUST.... so happy. :) lol random.
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