I wondered what that Brown Puffle House was doing in the new Pet Furniture Catalog. I knew another color puffle is coming. Then I got busy with the Slumbook Page. Thanks to Nikereog of CP Knight who nudged me back to it.
Backgrounder: Nikereog emailed me a few weeks ago about the Rare Flower growing in 5 weeks. I did not really take notice coz I believe only in speculating with basis. Then it did unfold that the Rare Flower would indeed complete its growth in 5 weeks! Amazing!
Now, Nikereog nudged me again and this time I took notice. PLUS I had already a speculation about it. Thanks Nikereorg! You rock! ;-) Keep those secrets comin'!
Here is what led me believe that Brown Puffle will be coming:
Nice huh? Here's a photo edit I made just for fun! ;-)
As with all my posts on speculations, let's all wait and see!
*but most of the time, my speculations are right! LOL!*
Speculate 'til You Drop! ^.^
23 Comments. Write One Here!:
thanks for the tips nikereog! ;-) you rock! ;-)
I am glad that as could help
Write me an email when you need me
i will! thanks nikereog! ;-)
do you have ICQ\AIM\MSN
i got that idea too!
you're friend goofy73
Lady Maryann if you ha a wish what would you wish for
I have MSN and Gmail! I hope the brown puffle will be for everybody- us non members need another puffle to choose from! And I hope we can have up to 3 puffles when that does happen!!
my g mail adress is
and my MSN adress is
Hey guys! Nice, um, speculation lady m!
hiya lady maryann do you wanna meet up in like forty five minutes! i ay this because i dont know what time it is for you actually i do but anyway us is 14 hours behind the Philippines like it's still sunday for me! well anyway, please! oh and when we meet could you put me in you're slumbook!
you're friend goofy73
im so dumb im sorry! and also on the server bigfoot! at the dock! sorry!
you're friend goofy73
hi goofy! im there, you are there...
at least your body is there ;-)
i think your spirit is somewhere else LOL!
Wow Your cleva...nice brown puffle...I JUST LOST ALL 8 OF MINE *weep weep, sniff sniff* i logged in and and all this notices appear saying theyve run away!!! :|
I will never be able to afford them lol! i can barely afford postcards! :(
pen flippy
whoow! thats bad new pen! i used to have all 7 puffles but they all left except for GREENY, thats why i love him ;-) then i adopted PINKY. so pinky is my second pink puffle ;-)
penflippy, why dont you play puffle roundup. its easy to earn coins there. you can earn like 3200-4600coins in 10minutes!!! really! i am good at it so i get 4200-4600coins in 10 minutes ;-)
btw, your game is very clever and fun! im waiting for the second round lol! ;-)
LOL! thx heaps..yer i always play puffle round up but i spend my coins on items straight away!! lol im sure you know about that...hint hint 40 rare flower pots... lol im gonna go buy some more now! can we meet somewhere? i really wanna be your buddy :D
sorry gtg 2 bed now... its 11:00 monda night in australia, night night marry ann
lol penflippy! yeah girl... well i admit, i did get carried away with that 40 rare flower pots! hahaha looking back at it now, it did sorta teeny weeny bit exaggerated! you are such a bad girl for pointing that out! hahahaha
sure would be cool to meet yah pen! tell me where and when in cptz ok? ;-)
now where did the number series stopped.... ;-)
AHHH! im no girl!!! im 100% boy! lol... but thx 4 replying anyway... :D yer im not good with the whole..."cptz" thing, its kinda confusing... if your on now can we meet>?
p.s ill talk in the chat thingy :D
OOOOOOF!!! i committed yet another blunder... first i thought chuckleloo is a boy, now you...waahhh!
sorry! go boy! boy power! hahahaha thanks for being such a sport about it. ;-)
CPTZ is club penguin time zone. its the time in the snowfort AND on my main page ;-)
nice meeting you earlier pen! your kewl!
cheers! ;-)
goofy, im working on your slumbook entry! ;-) its gonna be awesome (if i say so myself hehehe)
nikereog! i dont have icq/aim/msn. i guess we can use google chat? i am new to it too ;-)
i hope your right!!!!
awww thanks im so happy that you belive they exist please leave a reply on and i love this post and you
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