Here's a complete Gallery of Pins that were ever given away at Club Penguin.
PINS are considered RARE 'coz NO PIN will be released twice. So if you missed it WHEN it was released, you will never get it EVER ;-) Pins are Collector's Items really ;-)
I am still researching the details of each pin like when and where it was hidden. Hopefully, I will complete it by this week. The 3rd Frame will be updated everytime a new pin comes out. So check this Gallery every 2 weeks. Or Everyday if you want ;-) So BOOKMARK this blog by pressing CTRL D ;-)
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HALL OF PINS 3 (49-58)
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Enjoy! ;-)
Collect 'til You Drop! ^.^
*Credit goes to All CP Bloggers who have PINS in their sites ;-) I couldn't name all of them 'coz there's just too many sources. And special thanks to my real sister Queen Solita who provided me with the MOST number of pins! Thank you all! ;-)
1 Comments. Write One Here!:
Wow, you did a good job finding all those pins. I have from the pumpkin pin on!
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